Sunday, February 23, 2025

Know Paper, Use Paper, Recycle Paper



Paper Day, August 01, 2019

Paper is a lovely product. Paper is a good raw material also for several products. Paper is in use since long, and witnessed the growth of mankind, civilization and industrialization, during the past centuries. For the past few centuries, paper has been the most used information and data storage medium, has been one of most preferred packaging medium and found applications as an intermediate to many other products, like laminates.
During the journey, paper, as well as paper industry has itself witnessed many changes. The paper making process initiated as an art has transformed into a well developed technology, using full scale automation, using sophisticated controls and specially designed machines to achieve desired results. Still, in the fast changing world, when our information and knowledge keeps on expanding, many of us know just a little about this wonderful
product- paper.
This booklet is a small effort to enhance the knowledge of our students- the little geniuses, about paper.


What comes to your mind first when you hear or read the word-PAPER? Most of you must imagine notebooks, textbooks, newspaper- all that we use to read and write. Is that really all? Have a close look at your surroundings. Most of the items you use; come in corrugated boxes, which are made of paper. The
tissue you use in toilet is paper. The laminate (commonly known as mica) is also a paper based product. Your tea bag is made of paper. Paper is considered as the best material to wrap jewels and diamonds. So, it is paper-paper everywhere.
A student generally lives in a paper world. Reading textbooks, taking class notes on notebooks, practicing learned lessons on paper, and finally taking the tests and examinations on paper; paper-paper everywhere in the life of a student. To further enrich your knowledge I have summarized some useful information for you and expect you’d really enjoy this information about paper.

A World without Paper
A world without paper, or paperless society became a sensational dream about a couple of decades back, particularly, with the advancement in computers, laptops, mobile and tablets. Have you ever thought if it is practically possible?
Well, as an immediate thought, you may skip textbooks and notebooks and use laptop, tablet and mobile for studies. Similar thing goes for various applications forms, train and air tickets, bills and receipts etc. The similar can be done for the newspaper also. But, if you order online, most probably these items will be shipped to you in a paper corrugated box. The laminates on your table is also of paper.

Most of grocery items used in house come packed in paper. Even the cookies, biscuits, which are conventionally being packed in poly-laminates, reach your neighbor shop in a corrugated carton.
As an experiment, try scanning the life of an imaginary person from birth to old age, if he or she has to live without using paper directly or indirectly. A person, who is supposed not to use paper for any purpose; he should not use any product, which by default, is being supplied in paper packaging. 
Doesn’t this make an interesting debate topic for you and your classmates?

A Little from History

The history of paper in itself is a fascinating story. Remember, people were writing long before paper was invented. From clay tablets to papyrus, linen, animal skins, metals, tree bark and other materials, mankind used a variety of materials to keep track of time, goods, and other information. The early China process included making a suspension of hemp waste in water. It was then washed, soaked, and beaten to a pulp with a wooden mallet before pouring the mixture into a wooden frame. Later on hemp was partially or fully replaced by wood, bamboo, other plant fibers etc. to improve the quality of paper. Similarly, while the first uses of paper were mainly as a wrapping for precious objects, it wasn't too long before people came to realize that it was better than writing on bamboo or silk. This caused a sudden increase in demand and hence like the first sign of a new industry's birth. Improvements also included using starch as a sizing material and a yellow dye that acted as an insecticide.

Interesting Paper Related Stuff for You

Paper Industry in India

India, having around 17% of world’s population, uses around 4% of world’s paper production. We’ve already been using much less paper compared to the world.
On a rough estimate, the paper consumption of India is 21 Million tons per year. Per capita paper consumption in India is just around 15 kg. That means an average Indian uses around 15 kg of paper in a year. Compared to that, the world’s average is more than 57 kg. Some developed countries are using more than 200 kg per person per year.
Do you know the paper is one of the most recycled items? In India, it is estimated that now around 73% of paper is being made by paper recycling.

Indian Paper Industry at a Glance

Source: CPPRI, Saharanpur, India

Paper Industry & Forests

Are You Worried for Trees being Cut for Making Paper?

Water Use by Paper Industry

Paper Industry & Environment

Strength of Paper

Other Properties of Paper

Paper Dimensions and Weight

Paper Production

Paper for Fun

Smile Please

Answer: Polythene Bags

Answer: Toilet Tissue.

Research & Training in Pulp & Paper

Waste Paper Recycling Simplified

The following image is given to explain the paper manufacturing process using recycling process.


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